Actual number: 2/2 2023

ISSN 1338-6859 (tlačené vydanie)

ISSN 2729-8949 (online)

e. č. MK: EV 4567/12

About the journal

Aims of the Journal

Political Science Forum is a semi-annual, international, scientific and peer-reviewed journal published by the Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Slovakia. It covers broad range of topics in political science, international relations, philosophy and social sciences. The journal is aimed to be read by the scholars in respective fields as well as its students and broader public. Periodicity of the journal is twice a year, in June and December. 

ISSN 1338-6859 (tlačené vydanie)

ISSN 2729-8949 (online)

e. č. MK: EV 4567/12 

Publisher: Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne, verejnoprávna inštitúcia zriadená zákonom. IČO: 311 180 259. 

Adresa redakcie: Katedra politológie TnUAD, Študentská 2, 91101 Trenčín 


© TnUAD, Trenčín.

Časopis je bezplatný

Časopis vychádza dva krát do roka 30. júna a 31. decembra. 


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.